2nd Transnational Partner Meeting in the framework of “Sharing Design Your Job” project

The Second Transnational Partner Meeting in the framework of “Sharing Design Your Job” project was held on July 29th – 31st 2022 in Berane, Montenegro.

After the first successful Training Course on the topic of Basic Hardware/Software Manipulation held in Novi Sad, Serbia, we discussed about the next Training Courses in Berane, Montenegro from August 19th – 29th on Basic Graphic Design & in Albania from October 5th – 16th on Basic Web Development.

 BRAVO – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities 🇧🇦Institute of Human Rights and non-formal Education 🇦🇱EPEKA Montenegro 🇲🇪CODR “Res Polis” 🇷🇸EuroFortis 🇱🇻EGInA Srl 🇮🇹 

This project is co-funded by Erasmus Plus program of the European Union. 🇪🇺